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Life sciences talent: Survival of the fittest isn't the answer.

Written by Kelly OCG | Jul 3, 2024 5:07:44 PM

By Glen Tolleson, Global Vice President, KellyOCG

The life sciences industry is a pressure cooker. Breakthroughs are celebrated, but the people behind them are often an afterthought. We're in a relentless competition for talent and resources, with winners and losers. But our 2024 Kelly Global Re:work Report reveals a startling statistic: 78% of life sciences professionals believe the current competitive environment hinders, rather than fosters, innovation. It's time to ditch the "Hunger Games" mentality and forge a path of collaboration. 

Beyond the Podium: The Unsung Heroes 

We hear about celebrity scientists and billion-dollar biotech startups, but the reality is far less glamorous. According to the report, 63% of life sciences professionals report feeling overworked and undervalued. It's the tireless lab technicians, data analysts, and postdocs who keep the wheels turning. These unsung heroes are the backbone of the industry, and their well-being is crucial. 

Collaboration: A Different Kind of Arena 

The current system pits institutions against each other. Universities hoard promising students, companies poach researchers, and research dollars flow unevenly. This stifles innovation. KellyOCG's report highlights that 82% of life sciences professionals believe collaboration across disciplines and institutions is essential for breakthroughs. Imagine a world where universities and biotech companies see each other as partners, not competitors. 

Building an Ecosystem, Not a Battlefield: The Power of Shared Resources 

Instead of a winner-take-all arena, let's envision a life sciences ecosystem. A network of universities, research institutions, and companies working together could: 

  • Establish shared research facilities to accelerate discoveries.
  • Develop open-source platforms for data sharing and collaborative projects.
  • Advocate for government policies that incentivize collaboration over competition in funding allocation.

From Me to We: Shifting the Narrative 

This requires a change in mindset. We need to move from "me-first" competition to a "we-first" collaborative spirit. Metrics of success need to go beyond just publications or patents. Let's celebrate institutions that nurture talent, not just poach it. Let's reward research that benefits everyone, not just generates headlines. 

The life sciences industry has the potential to solve some of humanity's greatest challenges. But this fight for survival mentality won't get us there. Let's ditch the Hunger Games and build an ecosystem where collaboration unlocks a healthier future for all. 

By working together, we can create a thriving life sciences industry where brilliant minds can truly make a difference.